Minister Manusha Nanayakkara said he would curse all politicians who divided the nation by making Sinhala as the sole state language.

He tendered an apology to the estate people over his inability to speak the Tamil language, when he made a speech yesterday (07) at a function at the newly-opened Nuwara Eliya branch of the Bureau of Foreign Employment.

Nanayakkara also apologized to the Sinhala audience for almost 95 per cent of video footage shown at the event coming in Tamil language.

However, he said Tamils have never been given an apology for the country’s Sinhala-only policy.

The Bureau’s Nuwara Eliya branch was opened following a request to the minister on 18 December to provide services in the Tamil language for families of expatriate workers in the area.

He thanked the Bureau’s chairman and other officials for fulfilling that promise quickly.

Responding to a request by senior presidential advisor Vadivel Suresh to raise the wages of estate workers, he said the president would make a related announcement before the end of this month.

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