Legal issues have arisen in the implementation of several recently-adopted parliamentary acts and regulations that contain numerous faults and inaccuracies.

Parliament sources said there have been increased instances of mistakes being committed by officials who are responsible for preparing the new laws.

Now, the government has instructed all state ministries to pay special attention to the matter.

In one case in point, a shortcoming in the anti-corruption bill is delaying the appointment of new members to the Bribery Commission.

It has to be rectified through an amendment, expected to be introduced next week.


Opposition to support


Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa has informed the Constitutional Council that they would support the rectifying of the translation mistakes in the anti-corruption act.

The CC that met last week discussed the matter, with justice minister Wijedasa Rajapakshe also present.

A letter from the Bribery Commission submitted there by the speaker pointed out the mistakes in the act.

The minister assured they would be corrected.

A decision was also taken to call for applications to appoint a new Bribery Commission.


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