Leader of Pivithuru Hela Urumaya Udaya Gammanpila has said the government will not meet the IMF’s condition of setting up a website to reveal information on all its dealings.

“It is a promise they will never fulfill,” the MP said at a press conference at the party head office yesterday (26).

Although the government should have fulfilled 57 conditions outlined by the IMF up to this point, it has managed to accomplish only 38 of them, he said.

The government has not fulfilled at least 19 conditions, or failed to make their fulfillment public, he said.

While the government may eventually meet these conditions, there is one condition it will never seek to satisfy.

It is the website aimed at disclosing government transactions.

It will need to include details regarding agreements linked to purchases, tax incentives granted to investors by the BOI, and a list of individuals who have received tax exemptions when importing vehicles, he noted.

Although specific information can be found on various other websites owned by government agencies, it has not established a dedicated website for this purpose.

If this condition is met, we could put an end to 50% of the large-scale corruption in the country.


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