Minister Manusha Nanayakkara has presented President Ranil Wickremesinghe with a ‘Let’s start with me’ badge, symbolizing the collective effort needed to construct a smart nation.

The occasion was the UNP’s special general convention at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium in Colombo on 21 October under the theme ‘Smart Country – 2048’.

Here, president Wickremesinghe emphasized his commitment to bolstering the country’s economy by positioning Sri Lanka as a smart nation.

The vision behind this concept is a vision of an intelligent and prosperous Sri Lanka, where every citizen recognizes their potential, upholds virtuous goals, and embraces diversity while harnessing modern technology and nature to cultivate a nation of adept and resourceful individuals.

The ‘Smart Country’ concept envisions the creation of a prosperous nation.

Departing from conventional party politics vying for power, the main objective of this year’s UNP special convention was to adopt a nation-centric approach to reorganize the party for this purpose.

Wickremesinghe also presented an amended party constitution designed to facilitate this transformation.

A significant amendment allows the UNP to establish an online presence and engage actively in social media platforms, thus facilitating the digital transformation of the party.

The President emphasized the need for the UNP to evolve into a technologically adept and intelligent party, aligning itself with the broader vision of building both a smart nation and a smart party.

Minister Nanayakkara gave a lengthy explanation.


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