A Tamil MP had taken a motorcade to remember LTTE’s Rasiah Parthipan alias Thileepan to an area inhabited by the Sinhalese without permission from the police to create a clash between the two communities, said east governor Senthil Thondaman.

Speaking to the media, Thondaman said that as a provincial governor, he had a responsibility to maintain national harmony.

In light of the prevailing economic woes, an MP has a duty to act thoughtfully, he said, adding that carelessness will breach unity and affect law and order.

Thondaman added that he instructed the police not to allow any incident that affects harmony in the east.

He was referring to an incident in which a group of Sinhalese armed with clubs attacked the motorcade at Sardhapura Junction.

The motorcade is on its way to the north to remember LTTE member Rasiah Parthipan alias Thileepan, who died on September 26, 1987 while on a hunger strike to highlight the demands of his community.


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