PIC: Sri Dalada Maligawa Facebook

Thai ambassador in Colombo Poj Harnpol today (06) visited the ‘Thai Raja’ tusker gifted to Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy.

Prof. Asoka Dangolla, who is responsible for treating the Maligawa tuskers, explained the health condition of ‘Thai Raja’ to the diplomat at Suduhumpola Rajamaha Vihara.

Ambassador Harnpol later spoke to the media and said the tusker was doing well, and ruled out any intention of taking it back to Thailand.

A former Diyawadana Nilame, Neranjan Wijayaratne, welcomed the ambassador’s assurance.


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 PIC: Sri Dalada Maligawa Facebook


It was a slap on the face of the NGOs who tried to ruin longstanding Buddhist ties between the two nations, he has told BBC Sinhala Service.

The visit by the ambassador came amidst the issue of the ailing ‘Muthu Raja’ which was repatriated home after spending long years in Sri Lanka.

Thailand’s ministry of natural resources said giving the tusker back to Sri Lanka would be considered only after it regained health.

The government of Thailand is under pressure from its people against sending it back to Sri Lanka, according to BBC Thai Service.

Related News:

Neranjan Wijeratne refuses to allow a return of ‘Thai Raja’

‘Muthu Raja’ will not be returning to Sri Lanka: Thai Govt.

Ailing tusker ‘Muthu Raja’ airlifted to Thailand

Thailand told to return 'Muthuraja' after treatment


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