An investigation is to be conducted into claims made by senior DIG Ajith Rohana in a letter he has sent to the National Police Commission against his transfer.

In line with a decision by the NPC, the secretary to the public administration ministry will appoint a senior official to make an impartial investigation.

Senior DIG Rohana wrote to the NPC’s chairman on April 25, after public security minister Tiran Alles chaired a meeting to discuss transfers of several senior police officers.

Secretary to the public security ministry Viani Gunatilake, IGP C.D. Wickramaratne and 13 senior DIGs, who attended that meeting, are to be summoned for the investigation.

Gunatilake has told ‘Lankadeepa’ that senior DIG Rohana was given the transfer from the southern province to the eastern province with full approval by the NPC.

Senior DIG Rohana wrote to Gunatilake, refusing to abide by the order for his transfer and saying it is both illegal and unconstitutional.


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